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    To Become a College Athlete, You Must Have Persistence

    To Become a College Athlete, You Must Have Persistence

    "But the coach didn't respond to my email...I must not be of interest to them." 

    Common, I've heard this hundreds of times. Just what do you expect from sending an email to the head coach. If you expect a quick response and give up on it if you don't get one, then your strength-of-purpose is too weak for this process. 

    A challenge of high school athletes is to understand the need to be persistent in their marketing approach. It takes a lot more than just one email to garner a coach's attention.  

    When it comes to being recruited and playing college sports, there are 8 common fallacies derailing well-intentioned athletes and parents. What's a fallacy? It's an error in reasoning that renders an argument logically invalid.

    For our late summer series, here is-

    Fallacy # 4- nonresponse to emails sent to coaches means the coach is not interested in the sender. Invalid!

    Why is it invalid? Because it's false. What every mom and dad should know is that spending time reading and responding to emails is low on the coach's priority list. What it means is that they don't know your child well enough yet to spend time on them. Until they do, don't expect responses, but don't give up on it either!

    Coaches receive dozens of emails every day. Relate it to yourself, do you respond to every email you receive? Probably not, neither do coaches. However, coaches will respond to emails of prospect's who have established value worthy of the coach's time and effort.

    Reference Chapter 2, page 38-

      The Inside Secrets to Playing College Sports

    Are you confused with the how the college process works? Well, you're not the only one. But you don't have to remain confused.

    CollegeLogic helps families get started in the college process with a proactive strategy for getting college right. Our students win admission acceptances and earn scholarships; our parents save thousands on college costs; and our athletes play college sports. To find out how we do it, call or email us today.  


    Speaking of saving college costs, this book is an absolute must read- 

      Dissecting the Big Business of College


    Founder CollegeLogic
    Office # 203.470.3704

    Turning Prospects into Recruits

    Turning Prospects into Recruits

    Chase, chase, and chase some more! Where does it leave the high school prospect? As a prospect!

    Does your child want to become a college athlete?
    Do you really want to see this through successfully?

    Well then, take a minute to understand what I am about to say.

    The biggest challenge of high school athletes is to convert from prospect-status to recruit. And that's downright hard to do, needing much more than just talent to make it happen. Most high school athletes complete their competitive sports career while in high school, remaining a prospect to the end.

    When it comes to being recruited and playing college sports, there are 8 common fallacies derailing well-intentioned athletes and parents. What's a fallacy?

    Fallacy- an error in reasoning that renders an argument logically invalid.

    For our end-of-summer series, here is-

    Fallacy # 3-Recruiting begins on the playing field.


    Why is it invalid? Because it's false. What every mom and dad must know is that real college recruiting begins in the coach's office, not on the playing field. It begins with establishing credentials, building relationships, and understanding needs of the coach. That can only happen in their office!

    Meeting the coach is the athlete's opportunity to enhance the coach's interest, from which they will allocate more time, energy, and resources to recruiting them if they show themselves worthy (which is not automatic).

    Believing that recruiting begins on the playing field will only serve to frustrate you and your family, leading you down the beaten path of chasing it, rather than planning for it. Planning works, chasing doesn't!

    You have two choices- one, be proactive in planning college visits and meeting coaches; or two, be reactive in chasing showcases and camps in hopes of catching the interest of a random coach. 

    Reference Chapter 17, page 114-
      The Inside Secrets to Playing College Sports

    CollegeLogic helps families get started in the college process with a proactive strategy for getting college right. Our students win admission acceptances and earn scholarships; our parents save thousands on college costs; and our athletes play college sports. Do you want to find out how we do it? Then call or email us today.  


    Speaking of saving college costs, this book is an absolute must read- 

      Dissecting the Big Business of College


    Founder CollegeLogic
    Office # 203.470.3704

    Avoid the Beaten Path

    Avoid the Beaten Path

    National recruiting services make millions by blasting emails out to hundreds of coaches. That works well for them, but not for you! 

    Oh, this could be simple- take a call from a national recruiting service who promises to get your child recruited; they will send your child's profile and video out to 300 coaches; they hope that 4-5 of them find interest in your child; you hope those coaches contact your child, offer them a big scholarship, guarantee admission acceptance, and then what...more hoping.

    Fallacy- an error in reasoning that renders an argument logically invalid.

    When it comes to being a recruited athlete and playing college sports, there are eight common fallacies derailing well-intentioned athletes and parents. For our end-of-summer series, here is-

    # 2. Email blasts to dozens of college coaches will get interest of coaches.  Invalid!

    What every mom and dad must know is that email blasts represent a pure reactive-based strategy generating interest of coaches from colleges that don't necessarily match your child's interests or qualifications, though it works well for attracting camp invitations. And that's a well-beaten path.

    If you want to end the hoping and avoid the beaten path, then it's time for planning. It's your child's job to target coaches from colleges that specifically match their qualifications and interests.

    We do this by working off a carefully constructed college list matching colleges to the student's qualifications and interests along with the parents interests and needs. We put together a personal marketing package and have the athlete broadcast their interests to coaches from the colleges on the list.

    Now that's proactive and it works to improve your odds by at least 25 times, that's right, 25 times!

    Reference Chapter 14, page 98-
     The Inside Secrets to Playing College Sports

    CollegeLogic helps families get started in the college process with a proactive strategy for getting college right. We can do the same for you. Do you want to find out how? Then call us, we'll make it easy. 


    Getting college right might also include saving thousands on college costs. We can help that too, just read our new book here, available in either eBook or hard-cover

     Dissecting the Big Business of College

    CEO/ Founder CollegeLogic
    Office # 203.470.3704

    Recruiting Fallacies That Can Squash Your Dreams

    Recruiting Fallacies That Can Squash Your Dreams

    Recruiting fallacies are out there ever present ready to snag another unsuspecting family.

    I often speak to large groups of athletes and parents. Afterwards, many parents will come up to me to tell me what they are doing. They hope that I will validate that what they are doing is correct, when in fact it may be flat wrong. If I suggest they might be wrong, rather than searching out the right path they withdraw from the discussion to continue down the same beaten path. Their outcome becomes quite predictable. But that doesn't have to be you.

    Fallacy- an error in reasoning that renders an argument logically invalid.

    When it comes to being a recruited athlete and playing college sports, there are eight common fallacies derailing well-intentioned athletes and parents. Here we begin our end-of-summer special series on athletic recruiting and the fallacies that can squash college sports dreams. We begin with-

    1. Exposure to dozens of college coaches will get you recruited.  Invalid!

    What every mom and dad must know is that planned evaluations by known coaches will get you recruited, not random exposure to coaches who don't know of your child in advance. Exposure is out, evaluations are in. Why?

    Exposure often leads to interest of assistant coaches from colleges outside of your interest in them, thereby yielding to little value. Whereas, evaluations come from coaches who specifically evaluate known-players of interest, delivering great value. It might seem like semantics, but it represents a big difference in results. One results in random camp invitations while the other one results in real recruiting interest.

    Reference page 37-  The Inside Secrets to Playing College Sports

    CollegeLogic helps families understand college opportunity for getting college right, this might include the dream of your child to play college sports. We help this dream come true. Our athletes play college sports!

    Getting college right might also include saving thousands on college costs. Our parents save thousands, you can too. All you have to do is read our new book-

      Dissecting the Big Business of College


    Founder CollegeLogic
    Office # 203.470.3704

    What Qualifies Colleges for being Progressive?

    What Qualifies Colleges for being Progressive?

    "If you don't know what you want from college, then how are you going to get it?"

    Everyone wants to put a bumper sticker on their car that reveals the great college their child is attending. But what makes it great- its name,  ranking, reputation? Let me share something with you. There's a lot more that goes into it besides name, ranking, and reputation. Unfortunately though, that's what most people mistakenly focus on.

    When we evaluate colleges for their progressive position in delivering education, we look primarily at 8 essential factors in determining if a college is staying up with the times. We suggest you do as well.

    1. Academic excellence and diversification of studies geared towards future opportunities
    2. Internship opportunity and co-op involvement within the local community
    3. Study-abroad programs for promoting cultural immersion and diverse perspectives
    4. Availability and access to modern technology
    5. Research projects of the school open to student engagement
    6. Sophistication of the student-population
    7. Sphere of influence of the college and its professors  
    8. Engagement opportunity of students with the academic community of the college

    When college is done and over with, besides the education and experience, the value of the college will often be evaluated and determined for its influences and resulting relationships. Therefore, it's important to meet the people who affect these things when considering colleges and planning visits.

    It's college visitation season, make it your plan to visit colleges and meet the key decision-makers. It will go a long ways in helping you make the right college choice one day.

    CollegeLogic works with families to understand college opportunity and be sure families get the college outcomes they desire. This is just one way we help you get college right. 


    Another way is to help you be an informed buyer of a college education. You can achieve this by reading our new book here, either in eBook or hard-cover.  

          Dissecting the Big Business of College


    Founder CollegeLogic
    Office # 203.470.3704