Recruiting Fallacies That Can Squash Your Dreams
I often speak to large groups of athletes and parents. Afterwards, many parents will come up to me to tell me what they are doing. They hope that I will validate that what they are doing is correct, when in fact it may be flat wrong. If I suggest they might be wrong, rather than searching out the right path they withdraw from the discussion to continue down the same beaten path. Their outcome becomes quite predictable. But that doesn't have to be you.
Fallacy- an error in reasoning that renders an argument logically invalid.
When it comes to being a recruited athlete and playing college sports, there are eight common fallacies derailing well-intentioned athletes and parents. Here we begin our end-of-summer special series on athletic recruiting and the fallacies that can squash college sports dreams. We begin with-
- Exposure to dozens of college coaches will get you recruited. Invalid!
What every mom and dad must know is that planned evaluations by known coaches will get you recruited, not random exposure to coaches who don't know of your child in advance. Exposure is out, evaluations are in. Why?
Exposure often leads to interest of assistant coaches from colleges outside of your interest in them, thereby yielding to little value. Whereas, evaluations come from coaches who specifically evaluate known-players of interest, delivering great value. It might seem like semantics, but it represents a big difference in results. One results in random camp invitations while the other one results in real recruiting interest.
Reference page 37- The Inside Secrets to Playing College Sports
CollegeLogic helps families understand college opportunity for getting college right, this might include the dream of your child to play college sports. We help this dream come true. Our athletes play college sports!
Getting college right might also include saving thousands on college costs. Our parents save thousands, you can too. All you have to do is read our new book-
Dissecting the Big Business of College
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