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    If Times Were Normal...but oh no, they are not.

    If Times Were Normal...but oh no, they are not.

    "The college process has been totally disrupted...and we are rethinking our approach."- David H.

    I've worked with David's family for several years. They have two fabulous sons, one attending Wash U and one in high school. Both sons are at home entrenched in their online courses—the New Normal! 

    The College-World is tilting. College plans have been disrupted for families.  And let's not forget the lives of people working at colleges, they too are disrupted.

    This means that we have to shift our thinking, our approach. For starters, we now have a new line of questions for our families to ask when calling or visiting colleges. While protecting our family-interests remain a top priority, we also have to add a layer of sensitivity into our discussions with them. 

    During a recent call of one of our students with an admission counselor, he quickly learned that the counselor's family had been stricken with the coronavirus. This news resulted from the first question our student asked. That changed the tone of things which in turn improved the outcome of the call. 

    During this disruption period, we suggest-

    Families of Seniors-

    1. Hold off making deposits; check to see if your college-of-interest has postponed their deadline date to June 1, which many have done.  
    2. Secure a low-cost option by submitting an application to an Online University such as Penn State's or consider a community college.
    3. Call the admission counselor who signed your acceptance letter to get answers on important questions.
    Families of Juniors-
    1. Continue to make plans ahead for college visits so that we're ready for our time when it comes.
    2. Have an open mind for creating quality options as we prepare for the Admissions & Application phase of the process to begin.
    3. Establish a structured and disciplined routine for yourself regardless of others willingness to get lazy and let down.
    Families of Sophomores and younger-
    1. Stay on track by treating weekdays like regular school days.
    2. Embrace online at-home schooling, it's here to stay.
    3. Begin preparation for the December SAT.
    CollegeLogic- Big News here!

    I will soon announce our new CollegeLogic Academy, an extensive online academy designed for better understanding and working the college process.

    To go along with that, I will begin a FB group this week. Additionally, I will begin hosting FB live sessions. So, be on the lookout for your invitation. 

    We're in charge of our own outcomes. Our life ambitions don't go to sleep. We need to be on top of our game so that we're better ready when the time calls.  

    Your outcomes reflect the energy you attract!


    Office # 203.470.3704

    The Tilting Point of College...and a crack in their armor

    The Tilting Point of College...and a crack in their armor

    "The Higher Education World has tilted!"- Rob Thompson,

    I am continuously asked when I think college costs will hit a ceiling? I've maintained that costs will continue to rise until there is a viable alternative.

    In a conference call Tuesday with a brilliant friend Rob Thompson, he stated-

    "Colleges could be in trouble. The Higher Education World has titled. Their business model will change over the next 10 years. People are finding that online learning is not so bad after all. In fact, many students are liking it."

    Online learning has been around 20 years now, nothing is new about that. What is new are the minds that have been opened to the viability of online learning now that almost every student in America, high school and college alike, is experiencing it in some form right now.

    Of course, there are trade-offs with online learning in not having direct personal engagement or social interaction. So it's not for everyone. It won't replace college campuses but it could put a hardship on their golden-goose business model.

    An online degree can now be earned from top four-year colleges at a fraction of the on-campus cost. Admission acceptances are generally more attainable. Degrees may be achieved in less time with greater flexibility in class scheduling. 

    Look at what the 
    Univ. of Florida says-
    UF Online provides an unparalleled education to determined individuals. We remove barriers, so our students can breakthrough. And those who complete one of our fully online four-year programs earn the same Univ. of Florida degree as their counterparts on campus.  

    The cost is 
    $130 per credit x 30 credits = $3,900 per school year... do I have your attention?

    For athletes wondering how that could work for them, either the NCAA will figure out how online students can play for a local college or they can be replaced too.

    The Crack in the Armor- over 200 colleges have extended the "decision and deposit deadline date" from May 1 to June 1. I love this. They will spin it that they are doing it as a favor to you. Well, that's false! It does not come as a favor to you, rather it comes as a need for them to increase their enrollments...aha, the crack!

    The Opportunity- parents of high school seniors, do not make your deposit yet, rather, wait it out. A university's response to lagging enrollments will be to increase scholarships, but only for those who know how and when to ask for it.

    America is tired of excessive college costs. America is ready to see a correction in the cost-curve of colleges. Many Colleges will face a backlash from the newly opened mind of parents and the willingness of students to study from home. 

    The college world is tilting...thank you, Rob!  

    To see how this might apply to you, let's talk! 


    Your outcomes reflect on what you know, or don't know!


    Office # 203.470.3704

    The New Normal...

    The New Normal...

    Normal- conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.

    We're often hearing people say- "When we get back to normal." But what's that going to look or feel like? 

    Inspired in a call yesterday with one of my great young students, Zach S., we explored what the "
    new normal" might be like...or what we can expect it to be like. 

    It's now a project of mine and Zach's. We'd like your insight and contribution. Please send your comments to

    This is what we expect the 
    new normal to look, act, and feel like. 

    - It will take just one dissenter to negate an idea, halt a plan, cancel a trip, or shake up a group

    - Approval times need to be shortened, built-in barriers need to be eliminated 

    - Online learning will be common, snow days will be replaced with at-home online schooling 

    - Greater consideration of others will be given, friendlier communities will result 

    - People will become more resourceful, more reliant on themselves, less reliant on others yet still willing to receive help from others 

    - High Schools need to up their game!

    In the wake of the virus, colleges swiftly moved their students to online classes. Meanwhile, after a week or two, many high schools still don't have a legitimate online class format in place. That's unacceptable. It's causing unnecessary anxiety among students in fear that it will jeopardize their college futures. We don't take that lightly. 

    High students need to wake up each weekday as if it's a school day and the high schools need to have an online classroom-ready to roll at its normal time. If your school is not accommodating that, then students still need to get up and treat the day like a school day as much as they may feel otherwise.  

    Life ambitions do not get put on hold. You can't go to sleep on your future ahead. You can plan to be doing what others don't want to do and recognize that you may not want to either.

    This period of time is a test of everyone's self-discipline. Those people asserting the strongest self-discipline will emerge best into the 
    "New Normal".   


    Your outcomes will reflect in what you attract!


    Office # 203.470.3704

    Life Ambitions Need Attending To

    Life Ambitions Need Attending To

    Future opportunities will reflect upon the work you're doing now.

    I'm highly sensitive to the cause of these challenging times, but I don't need to repeat others here. Rather, my role is to share insight and suggestions pertaining to college goals and life ambitions. 

    Inspired by my dear friend, 
    Christine Huber- Director of CFC Arena and No. 1 Soccer Camps...

    To all college aspiring students, athletes, and their parents, here is a simple reminder of things you can be doing for creating your own advantages while others are doing little.

    First and foremost, accomplish something of importance each day. In the morning, spend 10 minutes creating a priority list of 3 items for which you want to accomplish during the day. Call your attention to these items during the day and see them through to your satisfaction. Here are some ideas-

    H.S. Freshmen- 
    Begin a new activity for which you might excel or just love doing, such as, music- play a new instrument; art- create a graphic design for your own logo; sports-shoot baskets or play ping pong; mindful games- learn to play chess.

    Pick three national and two international topics of interest. Write two paragraphs on each topic, one for summarizing the topic and one for stating your position on it.

    Create your personal Student-Profile Sheet.

    *** Build a college list matching colleges to your qualifications, interests, and needs. It's the foundation from which everything happens proactively. 

    Students- read ahead in your class books and go back to review previous work; spend some extra time on homework; try to master a few subjects.

    Athletes- maintain your physical conditioning, be it jogging or other related exercises...keep active in different ways.

    H.S. Sophomores- (items from above also apply)
    Put the final touches to your summer plans ahead, such as- attend a pre-college class or sports camp; take a cultural immersion or mission trip; volunteer for a local charity; make a plan to visit colleges; start up a blog site.

    *** Order an SAT self-study book and study 3 pages per day. I prefer the Princeton Review- Crackin' the SAT's study guide. You're only 9 months away from taking your first SAT. Preparation now will help improve both your class GPA and future SAT scores.

    Update your personal Student-Profile Sheet.

    Review and update your college list.

    Create a 30-45 second personal video.  

    Students- consider how you will answer this question using over 100 words- "What college studies/ major interest you?" 

    Brush up your knowledge of World and National affairs for being able to conduct open discussions with college officials.

    Athletes- Prepare to visit colleges, meet admission counselors and coaches, consider what questions you'd like to ask. 

    H.S. Juniors- (items from above also apply)
    Register for the June SAT now before it gets filled from the March and May cancellations.

    Become familiar with the college admissions process that lies ahead where you will write essays and submit applications within 6 months provided you're wanting to gain an early advantage. 

    Consider closely how you will spend your summer ahead for exploring college and career interests. Plan now for creating job-shadowing opportunities. 

    *** Consider your topic for the Application Essay (this is one of our expertise). This is not something to put off until later when it becomes urgent and rushed, rather, it is an important item to be working on now. 

    Update your Student Profile sheet.

    Review and adjust your college list.

    Write an introductory email to the Admission Offices reflecting upon your interest in their college. 

    It's time to up your game in planning college visits ahead, knowing where you want to visit, why it makes sense, who you will meet during your visit, and how you will engage well with them for establishing your value to them.

    Athletes, if you are serious about playing college sports, you will need to meet coaches in their office on their campus. Don't let their shutdown now delay your plans for visiting in May or June.

    H.S. Seniors- (items from above also apply)
    While thinking about college acceptances, something you must do now is correlate their college study programs to your future job interests. ***

    Review your Financial Award Letters for understanding the details; prepare to submit "Appeals" in order to improve your award package. 

    *** Stay away from taking out big student loans.***

    Obviously, stay up with your studies as your acceptance and/ or scholarships can be withdrawn upon poor performance.

    Athletes, your best opportunity will be earned upon arriving as the best-conditioned athlete in your recruiting class...get working!

    College Students- BUILD CREDIBILITY!
    Think about how you'd like to get a job one day and what you can do now for better preparing yourself for getting job offers. 

    Update and maintain your LinkedIn Profile.

    Write and post articles of interest along with your comments on those articles to your LinkedIn Profile.

    Make sure your Social Media reflects well upon you. An incomplete LinkedIn Profile or careless FB Page reflects poorly on you. 

    You can always be better informed, more knowledgeable, and stronger in securing your desired outcomes for your family.   

    *** Never forget that a college requiring you to take out big loans is not a good-fit college! ***

    Everyone will overpay for college to some degree, to what degree depends on what you know, or don't know. Click here for knowing better.

    We can help with each line item above.

    We work tirelessly to build advantages and create quality options for our families so their life ambitions don't get put on hold. 

    During this time, I offer you a complimentary 30-minute college review and strategy Zoom call. You can schedule a
     Zoom call appointment here.  


    Your outcomes will reflect in what you attract!


    Office # 203.470.3704

    SAT's, College Admissions, Athletic Recruiting

    SAT's, College Admissions, Athletic Recruiting

    Plan for the future. React to the now.

    As we all know, just about everything is shut down. H.S. students are studying from home. College students have been sent home. College sports seasons have been cancelled. SAT's have been cancelled. College offices are closed to the public. 

    In spite of it all, five million freshmen students will presumably begin arriving on college campuses in five months, of which 100,000 will be athletes beginning their NCAA careers...presumably.

    Here are a few quick updates reflecting announcements made in the last day or so.

    Cancelled SAT's from Saturday-

    All SAT tests have been cancelled until June. Registered students for the May SAT will receive a refund. It would be wise to quickly register for the June SAT. For students planning to take SAT II's in June but also needing to take the SAT, priority should be given to taking the SAT over the SAT II. 

    Students planning to take the April ACT-

    The April ACT has been cancelled nation-wide. It would be wise to plan for taking the July test.

    NCAA Spring Sport Athletes

    NCAA leadership has indicated that spring-sport athletes will be granted “eligibility relief” from being charged a year of eligibility. The effect on allotted-scholarships remains uncertain as of now. Individual college athletic offices will have discretion over how they apply the new policies.

    High School Recruiting-

    Division I and II coaches are banned from any in-person recruiting activity through April 15. On-campus visits will not be allowed during this time.

    Phone calls, email, and text communications remain permitted in accordance with current NCAA rules. 

    College Admission Offices-

    Most colleges have closed their office to visitors through April. There is no sense in planning college visits at this time. 

    Admission Offices will remain working towards finalizing student acceptances and enrollments for the coming fall semester. Over 200 colleges have extended their Enrollment Deadline date to June 1, not as a favor to you but rather as a need of theirs.

    What are we doing? We keep working. Your child's life ambitions don't need to be put on hold. In fact, now is a good time to plan ahead for creating unique advantages and exploring opportunities. 

    We plan for the future. We react to the now.


    Your outcomes will reflect in what you attract!


    Office # 203.470.3704