Your Outcome Reflects Upon You...
"Everyone has mastered the Law of Attraction."- Kevin Murray,
Yesterday afternoon, I found myself sitting with two extraordinary men. We were vibrantly discussing life and our influence over our own outcomes. I mentioned that self-reliant people attract positive energy through the Law of Attraction.
Kevin said-
"Hans, everyone has mastered the Law of Attraction!"
Kevin went on to explain that everyone attracts the attention for which they create...that their lives reflect what it is they attract whether it be positive energy or otherwise; whether they have consciously created it for themselves or just let it happen to them.
I thought, wow, this is brilliant, I need to share this.
Here's a little more of "Kevin" with a few noteworthy sentences from his book- Energize your Business.
- Life either happens to us or we live on purpose.
- We either consume what is already out there or we create for ourselves.
- You can direct your energy thoughtfully rather than letting your day consume it.
- You can take back control of your attention and reclaim your energy to live the life of your dreams.
Now you can see the relevance of this discussion to my work in helping families get college right.
This is the time of year that my CollegeLogic students are celebrating their acceptances, scholarships, and college opportunities.
But I hear many others complaining about their outcomes or lack of scholarships received. I don't mind saying that everyone's outcome reflects that in which they attract.
I love this because it supports my notion that everyone has control over their outcomes until they give it up or unless they don't seize control to begin with...which then becomes most people's story.
Today, spend 30 minutes to take control of your attention-
H.S. Freshmen, attend to a new activity for which you might excel or just love doing.
H.S. Sophomores, attend to planning your summer ahead for developing your interests.
H.S. Juniors, attend to planning college visits, knowing where you want to visit and who you will meet.
H.S. Seniors, attend to the correlation of college studies to future job opportunities.
College Students, attend to building your own unique advantages for creating separation from the pack.
Parents, attend to being better informed and more engaged in securing your desired outcomes.
Your outcomes will reflect in what you attract!
Thank you Kevin Murray!