Free Yourself from the Stranglehood of College
Fallacy: an error in reasoning that renders an argument invalid.
The best work I can do is to free you of the college-stranglehold twisted by mistaken beliefs and common fallacies, perpetuated by colleges and spread by parents.
But to do so will cause you discomfort at first before you feel the freedom brought on by knowledge and logical reasoning.
Hearing this brings initial relief to the parents who come home to spread the good news...whew, we don't have to worry about college majors, they will figure it our for us!
And that would be a fallacy. You see, if you buy into that line, then you are buying into the 5 1/2 year graduation plan they have for your child which comes at a steep price. But it makes perfect "uncomfortable sense." Once you apply logical reasoning to the discussion, you will surely see the necessity for planning college majors in advance and will feel a sense of relief as soon as you begin working on it.
Mom's and Dad's, the national average time it takes to graduate in a four-year degree is 5.8 years. The national average four-year graduation rate is 40%. This is not by accident, rather it's by clear design of the college and allowed by the parents. It's up to you to change it. That thought may bring discomfort at first, but it will bring great relief in the end.
My message is- You can choose to know better for taking greater control of your outcomes!
But to do so will cause you discomfort at first before you feel the freedom brought on by knowledge and logical reasoning.
A classic example: Upon visiting colleges you will often hear them say- "You don't have to worry about college majors, we'll help you choose one."
Hearing this brings initial relief to the parents who come home to spread the good news...whew, we don't have to worry about college majors, they will figure it our for us!
And that would be a fallacy. You see, if you buy into that line, then you are buying into the 5 1/2 year graduation plan they have for your child which comes at a steep price. But it makes perfect "uncomfortable sense." Once you apply logical reasoning to the discussion, you will surely see the necessity for planning college majors in advance and will feel a sense of relief as soon as you begin working on it.
Mom's and Dad's, the national average time it takes to graduate in a four-year degree is 5.8 years. The national average four-year graduation rate is 40%. This is not by accident, rather it's by clear design of the college and allowed by the parents. It's up to you to change it. That thought may bring discomfort at first, but it will bring great relief in the end.
My message is- You can choose to know better for taking greater control of your outcomes!
To save yourself from the stranglehold of college-